Wednesday, November 21, 2012

no progress to report... jk

Alright, progress report.  I have listed everything I bought at Half of Half the other day...finally.  I also went back today and got some MISS ME JEANS!! what?!?!  I picked up two pairs, one that fit, and one that didn't (so I wouldn't be tempted to keep them once I got home)  Anyway, I bought them for $25 and found out that on eBay, they go from anywhere from $50-$85!  

JACKPOT!!  ChaChing!! I just posted them and you can find them here

Also, good news... I have secretly (or not so secretly) been saving extra cash from our paychecks and drum roll please... I am making a very large, $1500 payment on the credit card today! YEAH!! that means I only need to make $500 more to pay that beast off!  So, after I sell those Miss Me jeans hopefully I will make a $50 profit, or at least that is what I am projecting, I will only need $450. So share my blog, share my eBay store
 (that is a link to it) and make your friends buy my stuff!!! Its the, pay Hannah's debt off eBay store!!  Ok, we are making progress for sure.  Now that I am getting so close to paying off that card, what should be tackle next?  Lets vote.  The car of which I owe $4000 or my root canal (its intrest free) $2500.  Rock the vote my peeps!

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