Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day 5

Well the stuff is FLYING of the shelf!  Thats right! I am on a roll my friends! Below is a pic of the first cash money I made since the start of this whole thing!

I sold the black chairs I mentioned on a previous post.  Ok, you might think I'm a little bizarre for this part but I was so excited that someone emailed me about them that when they said "tomorrow" that I said, 'NO WAY'! They were on my way to Molly's swim practice so I just dropped them off on my way.  Now I have a big void in my garage and $20 in the 'debt no more' jar!!!  Ok, here's the best part: While I was watching Molly swim, my eBay post ended and (drum roll please).... IT SOLD!  Thats $45!!  I have also gotten TONS of questions about some of the other stuff I have posted!  I also posted some of that Wen shampoo stuff from an infomercial that I was sucked into a few months ago.  You pay 9.99 the first time then they keep sending it, but they charge you $30 every time after that.  So I posted it here and there are already 4 people watching it AND 1 BID (thats $65 thank you very much)!  AND, today at 2:00, I am getting rid of a large workout ball, only $5, but in the jar it goes!  I think I have exceeded my posting one-thing-a-day thing.  I want the garage cleaned out and the money jar FULL!  Even though I only have $20 cash currently, I feel like there is gonna be a flood soon!  
TaTa for now!

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