Thursday, October 11, 2012

Day 7

Well it's officially been a week since I started this journey.  Total sales as of the end of today: 156.00 That could totally change though!  I listed that hair stuff for $65 and it went up a whole dollar yesterday then over night there was a small bidding war and it went to $71!!  Yesterday I sold some of David's ties- cause lets face it, he just isnt a tie wearing kind of guy.  So they are gone! yay!  I'm really surprised that the Diaper Genie isnt gone yet!  ITS FREAKING BRAND NEW!!  Maybe $35 is too high for a diaper genie and 4 refills- yall let me know what you think.  I post a LOT of stuff on eBay today- just look:
There are some more that I need to post, more of David's stuff.  Why am I selling all of his stuff??  Cause ALL of his stuff is name brand and it goes quickly.  He goes through stuff like crazy- I'm pretty sure he just changes his mind as soon as he wears it once.  I literally found 10 items- ALL TOMMY BAHAMA that was just put into a trash bag and put into the garage (grant it, they no longer fit him, but still!)  

I pulled a lot of stuff out of the garage today and tagged them with my awesome little stickers.  I cant even see the living room floor and we can't even sit at the dinner table.  I can see the garage floor though!  If only David would let me get rid of his military stuff- we would have a lot of room then!  'Too many memories' he says.  Oh well, one day he will part with the 100s of undershirts and camo pants.  

Also, you might notice some ads to my blog.  I added those.  There is a perfectly good reason too.  I GET PAID IF YOU CLICK ON THEM!  Just another way for me to make some dough, some cash, some cheese, some bread (umm...I just noticed that a lot of words for money are food words- ha!) So do a girl a solid and click on a couple of those :)- At least I think that's all you have to do.  Try it and I'll let you know if it worked.

On a different note, Molly met Dana Vollmer today at swim practice! She had a blast getting to meet her and wear her medal! #Olympics2024!!

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