Wednesday, November 21, 2012
no progress to report... jk
Alright, progress report. I have listed everything I bought at Half of Half the other day...finally. I also went back today and got some MISS ME JEANS!! what?!?! I picked up two pairs, one that fit, and one that didn't (so I wouldn't be tempted to keep them once I got home) Anyway, I bought them for $25 and found out that on eBay, they go from anywhere from $50-$85!
JACKPOT!! ChaChing!! I just posted them and you can find them here.
Also, good news... I have secretly (or not so secretly) been saving extra cash from our paychecks and drum roll please... I am making a very large, $1500 payment on the credit card today! YEAH!! that means I only need to make $500 more to pay that beast off! So, after I sell those Miss Me jeans hopefully I will make a $50 profit, or at least that is what I am projecting, I will only need $450. So share my blog, share my eBay store
(that is a link to it) and make your friends buy my stuff!!! Its the, pay Hannah's debt off eBay store!! Ok, we are making progress for sure. Now that I am getting so close to paying off that card, what should be tackle next? Lets vote. The car of which I owe $4000 or my root canal (its intrest free) $2500. Rock the vote my peeps!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
I'm sorry... So sorry.
It turns out I am pretty bad at staying on top of all this blogging stuff. However, I will report that my ebay was down for about a week due to some problem with my paypal not linking to my ebay therefore I couldt pay for my listings... yada, yada yada. So, in the mean time, I went to my favorite discount store and bought a whole bunch of name brand clothes at their blow out sale. Guess where it all is??!!?! ON EBAY! I'm back on track. I have all kinds of things listed there. Go to my store to check it out (click on the ebay heart)!
Now that I have some stuff on ebay again, I can make some MULAH! Not only have I been a busy bee with my ebay, I have also created a facebook site for things I am 'refurbishing' (cant really think of a better word) Anyway, so far there are two things listed and I have 2 more things to post, hopefully this week. Wanna check it out? of course you do! here's the page (the sign pic)
Well, the amount that has been made, has changed a little, but I'm gonna have to get back to you on that, cause I'm a little behind on the Ebay stuff, count yourself lucky that I blogged after I got it all up on ebay (actually, I haven't even listed it all yet- boooo) ANYWAY! check out my stuff and share with friends- tell them it's for a worthy cause :)
Ok, ta ta for now, I promise, on my honor I will do better about blogging now that everything is back on track!

Well, the amount that has been made, has changed a little, but I'm gonna have to get back to you on that, cause I'm a little behind on the Ebay stuff, count yourself lucky that I blogged after I got it all up on ebay (actually, I haven't even listed it all yet- boooo) ANYWAY! check out my stuff and share with friends- tell them it's for a worthy cause :)
Ok, ta ta for now, I promise, on my honor I will do better about blogging now that everything is back on track!
Monday, October 29, 2012
I'm pretty sure this is day 24
New running total: $448
Sounds great right? Thats only 18.66 a day :( SO not my goal. Oh well, Im working hard and its way more than I had before. I sold another TB (Tommy Bahama) shirt to a retired Army guy in Virginia (or at least thats the story I made up in my head, he really is in Virginia though) a pair of Nike golf shorts to a golfer in Ohio. I'm always fascinated with where people live. I sold a TB shirt the other day and shipped it to where else... Florida! HA! And I sold another item, of which I am not posting on here. DONT GO CRAZY, I just dont want a certain person to know what it was because it was a gift (not from David). Anyway, I have decided that when the running total hits $500, I'm gonna make a payment on our Military Star credit card. The short term goal is to have it paid off by the first half of December. That is about a month and a half away. Alright, time for full disclosure I currently owe... hold on, let me check...well crap. 2086.50. No worries, it can be done. I just REALLY need to step up my game on the real. That will bring my total after I make the $500 payment to $1586 to pay off in roughly 45 days. Let's see...that's $35 a day. That is less than my original goal. So the new goal is to make $55 a day- ha! I'm still pushing for it, although I'm a long ways off. Since this has started, I have sold 15 items on eBay, so that's 1.6 items a day. In order to make the $36 a day, in theory, I should sell double that. Which means I need to post two times a much as I normally would. Whew! That was a lot of numbers- overload! I'm pretty sure I can do that. I have a HUGE pile in my bedroom of stuff that needs to go on eBay so bad. The goal as of today is to post all the items in my room by Friday. UGH! I'm pretty sure there is at least 50 things sitting in there. What a whip. Not impossible- how bad do I want it?? SO BAD! Better get to posting. If I take pictures of everything while Lilly is sleeping, I can post it all from my phone while Molly is at swim practice. Alright, I better stop blogging now, I have to get to work!
Friday, October 26, 2012
I give up on remembering the day.
Alright, I have done well today! So, I sold 4 things on eBay- yup 4! Running total..........$353!
I sold that Tommy Bahama shirt and at the last few seconds, it went all the way up to 34 dollars! I also sold an old Navy Jacket that is 2 sizes too big (hard to believe it once fit), a Tommy Bahama sweater for $10 and another Tommy Bahama shirt at 12.00. Im kinda on a roll today. Im gonna be able to pay off one of our credit cards in no time!! I posted some more stuff today, but am sad to report that I sill have not posted all the stuff I needed to iron. I know, I know, but I'm working on it. I also came across some more of David's stuff in the laundry 'room' that was hanging up. It seriously still has the tags from Half of Half on it. So, the goal is to make more than what I paid for these things. I have a sports coat and a pair of pants. I cant remember the brands at the moment, all I see is dollar signs!!!
The bad part of being on a roll is right when I get going, something awesome happens and I stop working. David is coming home this weekend and I know I will not be posting. I HAVE to fight through it. The goal is to post 4 things tonight and at least 2 things on Saturday and 2 more things on Sunday (that's asking a lot considering I have our weekend planned out to the T!)
On a side note, my fancy new job has not started yet, but I'm hopeful that things will work out. I'm not counting on that money as of yet. I'm just gonna keep plugging along and work on my awesome skills as an eBayer!
PS: this is the only time I will say this, so listen closely... This is the only time I am thankful that David is a clothes horse/ hoarder.
TaTa for now!
I sold that Tommy Bahama shirt and at the last few seconds, it went all the way up to 34 dollars! I also sold an old Navy Jacket that is 2 sizes too big (hard to believe it once fit), a Tommy Bahama sweater for $10 and another Tommy Bahama shirt at 12.00. Im kinda on a roll today. Im gonna be able to pay off one of our credit cards in no time!! I posted some more stuff today, but am sad to report that I sill have not posted all the stuff I needed to iron. I know, I know, but I'm working on it. I also came across some more of David's stuff in the laundry 'room' that was hanging up. It seriously still has the tags from Half of Half on it. So, the goal is to make more than what I paid for these things. I have a sports coat and a pair of pants. I cant remember the brands at the moment, all I see is dollar signs!!!
The bad part of being on a roll is right when I get going, something awesome happens and I stop working. David is coming home this weekend and I know I will not be posting. I HAVE to fight through it. The goal is to post 4 things tonight and at least 2 things on Saturday and 2 more things on Sunday (that's asking a lot considering I have our weekend planned out to the T!)
On a side note, my fancy new job has not started yet, but I'm hopeful that things will work out. I'm not counting on that money as of yet. I'm just gonna keep plugging along and work on my awesome skills as an eBayer!
PS: this is the only time I will say this, so listen closely... This is the only time I am thankful that David is a clothes horse/ hoarder.
TaTa for now!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Day... I've lost count...
Running total: same as yesterday.
So I went to a storage auction today. It was fun! I totally got into a bidding war with a lady over a storage unit. There were three units. The first one was HUGE and FULL to the brim with mounds of clothes...that stunk- gross. (if I were allowed to take a picture, I would have) The second one, the people obviously knew they hadn't paid their bill and only left trash and a tire. Both units went for $5 and a chuckle. The last one was the best one. It had furniture (beautiful wooden chairs) and lots of military gear. Thankfully, David has enlightened me on the value of all the military gear and he has told me how much the army navy surplus pays for all that stuff. So I got to bidding. It started with $100 and I was going back and forth with a lady who was not giving up. I made it all the way up to $380 (more than in the jar, which is the money I took) But, unfortunately I was a lot. It went for $550! UGH! So my first day at storage auctions was a bust, but it was great practice. (too bad the auctioneer told me to be careful because some auctions will not let children attend- ps: I took Lilly)
On another note, all the stuff I listed has so far been successful Only one item has been bid on, but most of the stuff has watchers. IN FACT, there was a mini bidding war on the item that has been bid on. It is a Tommy Bahama shirt. I listed all of the shirts to start at $10 and it went all the way up to $17.50! AWESOME! If I can get $20 from ALL of the shirts I posted (6 of them) that would be $120!!! Not to mention that I havent even posted all the shirts or ANY of the pants. Ok, I've got to stop, I dont want to get my hopes up. There is about 1 and 1/2 days left on the shirts so we will see what happens.
I was considering going to another auction tomorrow, but I have so much to do before David comes home and I want it done early. So, I will call around tomorrow to see if there are any more around me that I can attend for Friday.
PS: Still looking for more money making ideas. If you've got em', spill em'!!!
TaTa for now!
So I went to a storage auction today. It was fun! I totally got into a bidding war with a lady over a storage unit. There were three units. The first one was HUGE and FULL to the brim with mounds of clothes...that stunk- gross. (if I were allowed to take a picture, I would have) The second one, the people obviously knew they hadn't paid their bill and only left trash and a tire. Both units went for $5 and a chuckle. The last one was the best one. It had furniture (beautiful wooden chairs) and lots of military gear. Thankfully, David has enlightened me on the value of all the military gear and he has told me how much the army navy surplus pays for all that stuff. So I got to bidding. It started with $100 and I was going back and forth with a lady who was not giving up. I made it all the way up to $380 (more than in the jar, which is the money I took) But, unfortunately I was a lot. It went for $550! UGH! So my first day at storage auctions was a bust, but it was great practice. (too bad the auctioneer told me to be careful because some auctions will not let children attend- ps: I took Lilly)
I was considering going to another auction tomorrow, but I have so much to do before David comes home and I want it done early. So, I will call around tomorrow to see if there are any more around me that I can attend for Friday.
PS: Still looking for more money making ideas. If you've got em', spill em'!!!
TaTa for now!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
I've missed a few days!
So since we last spoke I was up to $239. I think I have made some more money since then. I sold some stuff on eBay... Hang on let me check the jar...ok, I've sold like one thing. I am currently at $289.00, but with good reason!! I had my 10 year reunion and I spent a lot of time cleaning the house and having company over the weekend. SO, I'm back on track.
For those of you who know me, you know that I am the LEAST detailed person in HISTORY! I don't care about apostrophes (even when the dotted red line tells me I should) I don't care about dust (except when people are coming over) I dont care about correct driving directions (I'll get there eventually) The only thing I try to be detailed about is the monthly budget- I HAVE TO BE! Anyway, I listed some Tommy Bahama clothes on eBay a couple of weeks ago when I started this whole thing and was surprised when they didn't sell, even after relisting. Here is the pic that I listed to the right (for those of you reading on your phone above) -->
So as you can see, I did the best I could do at in my hurried state for folding and laying them out in one pic. I got a LOT of inquiries, but no bids. I thought for sure someone would take the lot as it is a hot brand in the Florida/ Retirement community (ha ha). Well, I did a little research this morning and apparently you need all kinds of measurements and at least 3 pictures etc etc etc. SO, I thought, if I am really serious about paying off debt and making money, I've got to leave my comfort zone and step up my game. My mother in law told me a story about her having a garage sale and selling so many items because she took the time to iron them and display them nicely. The thought of ironing makes me cringe, but not more than actually doing detailed work.
side note: I am so undetailed and neither is my husband, we are both 'big picture' kind of people; however, he cares and notices the details but likes someone else to do them. This is a problem. Imagine if you will David asking me to iron one of these beauties (shirts) and there are random spots of wrinkles. This makes things interesting sometimes.
Anyway, so against EVERYTHING in me, I decided to get down and dirty with my ebaying. I ironed the shirts, took measurements and took lots of pictures. Then I stole someone else's detailed wording and cut and pasted it. The final result?!?! 4 postings so far that look almost professional. See them here here here and here. So far I have these 4 shirts posted and I had to take a break because my brain and body hurts from all the details- ITS TOO MUCH!!! Anyway, I have some views already and I am really hoping to sell these!! Ill keep you updated! I have so much more to post and it may take all day (if it were anyone else it would take a few hours, but I need to breaks)
Obviously the clothes will run out and I'm gonna need another way to get things to sell, so guess where I am going tomorrow?!? A storage auction. That's all I will say about that until tomorrow!! Be excited, be very excited!
TaTa for now!
For those of you who know me, you know that I am the LEAST detailed person in HISTORY! I don't care about apostrophes (even when the dotted red line tells me I should) I don't care about dust (except when people are coming over) I dont care about correct driving directions (I'll get there eventually) The only thing I try to be detailed about is the monthly budget- I HAVE TO BE! Anyway, I listed some Tommy Bahama clothes on eBay a couple of weeks ago when I started this whole thing and was surprised when they didn't sell, even after relisting. Here is the pic that I listed to the right (for those of you reading on your phone above) -->
So as you can see, I did the best I could do at in my hurried state for folding and laying them out in one pic. I got a LOT of inquiries, but no bids. I thought for sure someone would take the lot as it is a hot brand in the Florida/ Retirement community (ha ha). Well, I did a little research this morning and apparently you need all kinds of measurements and at least 3 pictures etc etc etc. SO, I thought, if I am really serious about paying off debt and making money, I've got to leave my comfort zone and step up my game. My mother in law told me a story about her having a garage sale and selling so many items because she took the time to iron them and display them nicely. The thought of ironing makes me cringe, but not more than actually doing detailed work.
side note: I am so undetailed and neither is my husband, we are both 'big picture' kind of people; however, he cares and notices the details but likes someone else to do them. This is a problem. Imagine if you will David asking me to iron one of these beauties (shirts) and there are random spots of wrinkles. This makes things interesting sometimes.
Anyway, so against EVERYTHING in me, I decided to get down and dirty with my ebaying. I ironed the shirts, took measurements and took lots of pictures. Then I stole someone else's detailed wording and cut and pasted it. The final result?!?! 4 postings so far that look almost professional. See them here here here and here. So far I have these 4 shirts posted and I had to take a break because my brain and body hurts from all the details- ITS TOO MUCH!!! Anyway, I have some views already and I am really hoping to sell these!! Ill keep you updated! I have so much more to post and it may take all day (if it were anyone else it would take a few hours, but I need to breaks)
Obviously the clothes will run out and I'm gonna need another way to get things to sell, so guess where I am going tomorrow?!? A storage auction. That's all I will say about that until tomorrow!! Be excited, be very excited!
TaTa for now!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Day 9/10/11
Running total: $239.00
Alright, obviously I havent blogged in a few days. David was in town and we were busy all weekend long, but it was a really good day/ weekend. So since I last blogged, I sold 5 things on eBay. THE DIAPER GENIE IS GONE!!! WOOT WOOT! I started that bid at 25.00 on eBay with $15 in shipping- that should cover it. It ended at $31- I'm pretty excited, it was taking up a LOT of space in the house. So say good bye to that ol' thing!
I also got rid of my pair of Calvin Klein jeans- this was my favorite item that got sold. I listed the jeans at $5 and there were a couple of times where this was a bidding war with increments of .50 each time. But NOTHING like the last few minutes of the auction. it finally ended at $20.50! WOOT! Between the jeans and the diaper genie I also sold two pairs of Davids pants and a skirt totaling $17. I may have said this before, but I used to have a lot of luck on, but I have had no luck with it lately and have sold steadily on eBay. I wonder if it goes in waves.
So, a lot of you know that I have been searching for a teaching job (preferably online, in a perfect world) but something I can do where it doesn't take too much time away from the girls. Who can say goodbye to these babies?!?! BUT I GOT A REAL JOB! I am still on the email list at the college for the language department and they send me jobs periodically. I got one today with the subject line: SPANISH TEACHER. Awesome! I thought. I thought about applying, but then thought there was no way I could get the job. I called the lady and they were DESPERATE, Im talking, dont-care-if-I-have-had-experience desperate. I start on Monday and I am a private teacher for a company who teaches adults language. I teach from 9:30-12:30 everyday (M-F) So I only have to figure something out for 3 hrs a day for Lilly. ALSO, when I do get my teaching certification, I will already have experience. I am totally stoked! So not only will I be selling stuff online, but now ALL of my paycheck will go strait to debt. I'll have the debt paid off in no time!
I'm running low on things to post from in the house. I need to go through the garage and find out what all can be posted now that a lot of the big things are gone. I seem to be having good results with the name brand clothes so I might hit up 1/2 of 1/2 on the sale day and post that stuff online. Considering I can sell a pair of Calvin Klein jeans for 20.00, I could make some good money!!
TaTa for now!!
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I also got rid of my pair of Calvin Klein jeans- this was my favorite item that got sold. I listed the jeans at $5 and there were a couple of times where this was a bidding war with increments of .50 each time. But NOTHING like the last few minutes of the auction. it finally ended at $20.50! WOOT! Between the jeans and the diaper genie I also sold two pairs of Davids pants and a skirt totaling $17. I may have said this before, but I used to have a lot of luck on, but I have had no luck with it lately and have sold steadily on eBay. I wonder if it goes in waves.
So, a lot of you know that I have been searching for a teaching job (preferably online, in a perfect world) but something I can do where it doesn't take too much time away from the girls. Who can say goodbye to these babies?!?! BUT I GOT A REAL JOB! I am still on the email list at the college for the language department and they send me jobs periodically. I got one today with the subject line: SPANISH TEACHER. Awesome! I thought. I thought about applying, but then thought there was no way I could get the job. I called the lady and they were DESPERATE, Im talking, dont-care-if-I-have-had-experience desperate. I start on Monday and I am a private teacher for a company who teaches adults language. I teach from 9:30-12:30 everyday (M-F) So I only have to figure something out for 3 hrs a day for Lilly. ALSO, when I do get my teaching certification, I will already have experience. I am totally stoked! So not only will I be selling stuff online, but now ALL of my paycheck will go strait to debt. I'll have the debt paid off in no time!
I'm running low on things to post from in the house. I need to go through the garage and find out what all can be posted now that a lot of the big things are gone. I seem to be having good results with the name brand clothes so I might hit up 1/2 of 1/2 on the sale day and post that stuff online. Considering I can sell a pair of Calvin Klein jeans for 20.00, I could make some good money!!
TaTa for now!!
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Friday, October 12, 2012
Day 8
Running total as of today: $179.50
Ok, well my auction ended yesterday at 2ish and IT WAS AWESOME! There was a last minute bidding war (see pics below)
DID YOU SEE THE FINAL PRICE?!?! $83! Holy cow, I'm pretty sure I only paid about $60 for all of that! Yay me! All those clothes I listed on eBay are doing well. I have a pair of Calvin Klein jeans that are at 11.50 currently (mini bidding wars throughout the day) I started those at 5.00 and the increment is going up by 50 cents each time. There are some other things that people have asked me questions about and I have promptly responded! (which if you know me, that is really unlike me, I just figure that I'll get to it later. But I am super motivated to get rid of all this debt and stuff) I have had some interest in all of David's Tommy Bahama stuff. I started the auction at $200 and there are people watching it and people are emailing me questions. You can see the listing here. The main pic is really bad, but there are more.
That's it for now! Ta Ta!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Day 7
Well it's officially been a week since I started this journey. Total sales as of the end of today: 156.00 That could totally change though! I listed that hair stuff for $65 and it went up a whole dollar yesterday then over night there was a small bidding war and it went to $71!! Yesterday I sold some of David's ties- cause lets face it, he just isnt a tie wearing kind of guy. So they are gone! yay! I'm really surprised that the Diaper Genie isnt gone yet! ITS FREAKING BRAND NEW!! Maybe $35 is too high for a diaper genie and 4 refills- yall let me know what you think. I post a LOT of stuff on eBay today- just look:
There are some more that I need to post, more of David's stuff. Why am I selling all of his stuff?? Cause ALL of his stuff is name brand and it goes quickly. He goes through stuff like crazy- I'm pretty sure he just changes his mind as soon as he wears it once. I literally found 10 items- ALL TOMMY BAHAMA that was just put into a trash bag and put into the garage (grant it, they no longer fit him, but still!)
I pulled a lot of stuff out of the garage today and tagged them with my awesome little stickers. I cant even see the living room floor and we can't even sit at the dinner table. I can see the garage floor though! If only David would let me get rid of his military stuff- we would have a lot of room then! 'Too many memories' he says. Oh well, one day he will part with the 100s of undershirts and camo pants.
Also, you might notice some ads to my blog. I added those. There is a perfectly good reason too. I GET PAID IF YOU CLICK ON THEM! Just another way for me to make some dough, some cash, some cheese, some bread (umm...I just noticed that a lot of words for money are food words- ha!) So do a girl a solid and click on a couple of those :)- At least I think that's all you have to do. Try it and I'll let you know if it worked.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Day 6
Yesterday was somewhat productive. I sold one thing and got $5 from it. Too bad though, cause as soon as I pulled it out of the garage, it was the best toy that Lilly had ever seen and was having a great time playing with it. I almost regret getting rid of it, but it was taking up a lot of room and has been in the garage for like 2 years. It was time for it to go. But the good news is, I posted some other stuff online. I posted a bridesmaids gown on eBay and craigslist, you can see it here. I've listed it before and it didn't sell, but fingers crossed it will this time because it SURE takes up a lot of room in our house (and some of you know how small our house is- too small for a huge dress!!)
In other news, my living room is in a shambles because I am preparing for our blowout garage sale- EVERYTHING MUST GO...go...go...go! (announcer voice) I'm telling you- deep discounts! HAHAHA, I crack myself up! If you wanna be a part of my garage sale, let me know, I'll save a spot for your stuff in the yard! The bigger the sale, the more people will come! So far, I know for sure there will be a .50 pile, $1 pile, and a $2 pile. There will obviously be some stuff that is priced higher than that, but I really dont want to have to price everything out. I've come up with a GENIUS plan. Im pretty much gonna have a section for each price point then if the item is clothing, there will be a colored dot sticker for each price (hidden in the sleeve) This way, if the people try and say they were all in the .50 section, Ill look at my little dot and say, 'so sorry, it wasn't' I'm cut throat yall! On items, it will have to just be on the bottom of it. I'm really excited about getting rid of a lot of stuff and stuffing my jar FULL!
Found out yesterday that the sash that I sold was paid for! Yay, so I had the money transfered to my banking account and I'm pulling the cash out today! That brings the total for the last 6 days to....DRUM ROLL PLEASE.....$70!!! I know what you are thinking... what happend to the $55 a day goal!? I'm workin on it! I already have a bid on my Wen haircare stuff, that ends tomorrow. Then with the garage sale on Friday, I'm conservatively hoping for $200. That will bring the total (by Friday) to $335. Alright, if you are doing the math, that is $37 a day. NOT the goal- but let me see you do better! I've got a lot of stuff still to sell that has been posted and if the dress sells too, thats another $65 (which will bring the total to 400 which is $44 a day. Keep your fingers crossed that the other 10 things that have not sold will sell before the garage sale- cause I like those prices better than the garage sale price I might have to put them at.
Alright, wish me luck today!
Running total as of 10:45 today: $70
In other news, my living room is in a shambles because I am preparing for our blowout garage sale- EVERYTHING MUST GO...go...go...go! (announcer voice) I'm telling you- deep discounts! HAHAHA, I crack myself up! If you wanna be a part of my garage sale, let me know, I'll save a spot for your stuff in the yard! The bigger the sale, the more people will come! So far, I know for sure there will be a .50 pile, $1 pile, and a $2 pile. There will obviously be some stuff that is priced higher than that, but I really dont want to have to price everything out. I've come up with a GENIUS plan. Im pretty much gonna have a section for each price point then if the item is clothing, there will be a colored dot sticker for each price (hidden in the sleeve) This way, if the people try and say they were all in the .50 section, Ill look at my little dot and say, 'so sorry, it wasn't' I'm cut throat yall! On items, it will have to just be on the bottom of it. I'm really excited about getting rid of a lot of stuff and stuffing my jar FULL!
Found out yesterday that the sash that I sold was paid for! Yay, so I had the money transfered to my banking account and I'm pulling the cash out today! That brings the total for the last 6 days to....DRUM ROLL PLEASE.....$70!!! I know what you are thinking... what happend to the $55 a day goal!? I'm workin on it! I already have a bid on my Wen haircare stuff, that ends tomorrow. Then with the garage sale on Friday, I'm conservatively hoping for $200. That will bring the total (by Friday) to $335. Alright, if you are doing the math, that is $37 a day. NOT the goal- but let me see you do better! I've got a lot of stuff still to sell that has been posted and if the dress sells too, thats another $65 (which will bring the total to 400 which is $44 a day. Keep your fingers crossed that the other 10 things that have not sold will sell before the garage sale- cause I like those prices better than the garage sale price I might have to put them at.
Alright, wish me luck today!
Running total as of 10:45 today: $70
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Day 5
Well the stuff is FLYING of the shelf! Thats right! I am on a roll my friends! Below is a pic of the first cash money I made since the start of this whole thing!
I sold the black chairs I mentioned on a previous post. Ok, you might think I'm a little bizarre for this part but I was so excited that someone emailed me about them that when they said "tomorrow" that I said, 'NO WAY'! They were on my way to Molly's swim practice so I just dropped them off on my way. Now I have a big void in my garage and $20 in the 'debt no more' jar!!! Ok, here's the best part: While I was watching Molly swim, my eBay post ended and (drum roll please).... IT SOLD! Thats $45!! I have also gotten TONS of questions about some of the other stuff I have posted! I also posted some of that Wen shampoo stuff from an infomercial that I was sucked into a few months ago. You pay 9.99 the first time then they keep sending it, but they charge you $30 every time after that. So I posted it here and there are already 4 people watching it AND 1 BID (thats $65 thank you very much)! AND, today at 2:00, I am getting rid of a large workout ball, only $5, but in the jar it goes! I think I have exceeded my posting one-thing-a-day thing. I want the garage cleaned out and the money jar FULL! Even though I only have $20 cash currently, I feel like there is gonna be a flood soon!
TaTa for now!
Monday, October 8, 2012
Day 3/4
Ok, I was a little upset yesterday that all the stuff that I have tried to sell has not sold! I have had some inquiries on some of the stuff, but no cash has actually made it into the 'debt no more' jar! BUT good news as of 9:06 this morning!!! I got a bid on my 'heavily beaded sash' at $45! (little victories create big ones!) Have a look for yourself- it's true! (I'm a little out of control on how many tabs I have open)
SO, if it sells at $45 that is almost a days worth of goal (plus $5 shipping of which I will not use all of)! There is still 10 hrs left and 4 people watching it, so I hope the bid goes up! Man I'm excited. I just need the other stuff to follow suit. I hope this sash started the avalanche!! Wish me some more luck guys! Now to figure out what to post next. David said I should go out to the garage and post 99 things at $1 each- that sounds like a LOT of work- but I would do it at a garage sale. I'm considering doing a Friday only garage sale. I can't do garage sales on Saturday because we have so much going on with swimming and David will be home and all that jazz. I could have a whole section of the yard that is all $1.00 and then another section that is $2.00 and then another section that is $3 and up. I could make a lot of money doing that and make up for the last few days. This weekends weather is supposed to be really nice. Alright, I've convinced myself. I'm having a garage sale! Better get started. Ill start pulling stuff while Lilly is sleeping today. MONEY MONEY MONEY!!
Comic relief between me and David:
SO, if it sells at $45 that is almost a days worth of goal (plus $5 shipping of which I will not use all of)! There is still 10 hrs left and 4 people watching it, so I hope the bid goes up! Man I'm excited. I just need the other stuff to follow suit. I hope this sash started the avalanche!! Wish me some more luck guys! Now to figure out what to post next. David said I should go out to the garage and post 99 things at $1 each- that sounds like a LOT of work- but I would do it at a garage sale. I'm considering doing a Friday only garage sale. I can't do garage sales on Saturday because we have so much going on with swimming and David will be home and all that jazz. I could have a whole section of the yard that is all $1.00 and then another section that is $2.00 and then another section that is $3 and up. I could make a lot of money doing that and make up for the last few days. This weekends weather is supposed to be really nice. Alright, I've convinced myself. I'm having a garage sale! Better get started. Ill start pulling stuff while Lilly is sleeping today. MONEY MONEY MONEY!!
Comic relief between me and David:
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Day 2
Ok, so day one, the things I posted did not sell... Not to worry. The goal is to sell an average of $55 a day. So last night, to get a jump on things, I decided that I would post my sash that I wore at a wedding recently for $45 to start (you can view it here and see a pic below)
I listed it at $45 to start and those things usually sell really quickly. I lost like 3 times before I actually got this sash on Ebay. SO, Im working diligently everyday to post something, but seeing as how I already posted for today, last night, I might just post something else!! I have some chairs in the garage that HAVE GOT TO GO! Man Im on a roll!! Even though nothing is gone yet, I feel some freedom from the junk! I am just ready for someone to buy it already!
On another note, Molly had a swim meet this morning (quickest one EVER, we were only there for about 2 1/2 hours) Molly swam her back stoke like a CHAMP. Last week she took off 9 seconds and this week, another 6 seconds GONE! Woot woot! (Pics courtesy of Aunt Missa)
Well tune in tomorrow for another update of "Debt be Gone, day 3"
I listed it at $45 to start and those things usually sell really quickly. I lost like 3 times before I actually got this sash on Ebay. SO, Im working diligently everyday to post something, but seeing as how I already posted for today, last night, I might just post something else!! I have some chairs in the garage that HAVE GOT TO GO! Man Im on a roll!! Even though nothing is gone yet, I feel some freedom from the junk! I am just ready for someone to buy it already!
On another note, Molly had a swim meet this morning (quickest one EVER, we were only there for about 2 1/2 hours) Molly swam her back stoke like a CHAMP. Last week she took off 9 seconds and this week, another 6 seconds GONE! Woot woot! (Pics courtesy of Aunt Missa)
Well tune in tomorrow for another update of "Debt be Gone, day 3"
Friday, October 5, 2012
Day 1
Ok, Ok, I know, I was working on a blog about doing crafty things and all that jazz, but I've got more pressing matters! David and I really want to buy a house but neither of us want to do it with our ever present debt hanging over our heads. Debt? you ask. YES, debt. We have car payments, credit cards gallor, student loans and much much more. SO, with that being said, I have been inspired by Oprah. HA! Well at least the commercial that kept running over and over again about she was gonna help this town get out of debt. From the commercial as far as I could tell, she was making them sell stuff in their homes to raise money to pay off the said debt. Ok, well there may be more to it, but I figure, what the heck, Im not doing anything (lol) I'll start selling all the crap in this house that we aren't using or that is taking up room. With this, I am killing two birds with one stone. Ill be paying off debt AND Ill have less to pack when we actually do move. So, day 1. We have 9 month on our lease and the goal is to raise at least $15,000 or $55 a day (for 9 months). That is a LOT of money, but it wil take a LARGE chunk out. But I'll do other things too I think. Quite possibly, I may start subbing durring the week at Molly's school. I havent gotten the kinks worked out in that just yet, but just you wait, when I set my mind to something, I work like heck to get it figured out. So, back to day 1. I just listed a diaper genie that has been sitting in our house since 2006 (when Molly was born) It literally has never been used. So I listed it today on arlington moms swap (link here) And just for kicks, here it is below:
I know it's just a drop in the bucket, but its $35 more than I had yesterday! Obviously I need to sell something else for $20 to make my daily goal of $55 a day, Ill go dig in the garage. So enjoy my journey. I'm gonna try and sell at least one thing a day for the next 30 days. We will just say November 5th (even though I didn't actually count it up) Wish me luck! PS: If you have any ideas, feel free to message me!
I know it's just a drop in the bucket, but its $35 more than I had yesterday! Obviously I need to sell something else for $20 to make my daily goal of $55 a day, Ill go dig in the garage. So enjoy my journey. I'm gonna try and sell at least one thing a day for the next 30 days. We will just say November 5th (even though I didn't actually count it up) Wish me luck! PS: If you have any ideas, feel free to message me!
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